Classification talk
Mar 03, 2021
Ian Johnson
Classification talk
Ian's classification talk will trace a circuitous path from a childhood in small town Ontario, to Queen's University, to Kobe, Japan where he taught at a college and survived the Great Hanshin Earthquake of 1995, then back to Vancouver where he worked as a hedge fund trader and met his wife, Meghan, and where his daughter, Hattie, was born in 2014.   And then finally his move to Victoria, where his son, Ernie, was born in 2017, and where he joined Harbourside Rotary and recently co-founded an independent investment firm. 



In addition to Ian's classification talk, Annemieke Holthuis, an alumni of the Rotary Peace Centre at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, will address us about the Professional Certificate Program, in order to assist in finding good candidates for the 2022 Class of Rotary Peace fellowships. A member of the class of 18, she was chosen by District 5020 to participate in this Fellowship in 2015.