Linda Ross - on Aboriginal Housing
Posted by Chris Dysart
on Apr 20, 2016
Siem Lelum (Respected House) is a 41 unit urban village located at 120 Gorge Rd East, which houses Aboriginal Families, Elders, and Youth. Phase 1 has been up and running for over 2 years and construction of 15 additional units of family house has just begun. All are built with the help of grants from CMHC, the Regional Housing Trust Fund, the City of Victoria and BC Housing. Siem Lelum receives no operating grants and operates from modest tenant rents. It is owned by the Victoria Native Friendship Centre ande operated as a Social Enterprise by Linda E Ross Property Management.
Linda Ross has worked extensively in housing and property management for 23 years. Many of us know her through Camosun College, where she served as Past Chair of the Camosun Foundation Board (William Ross still serves in her place); and on the College's Board of Governors when Liz Ashton was President.
Years ago, Linda and her husband adopted a Cree baby, and soon became aware of the many prejudices our Aboriginals face. She became aware of the devastating effects of the Residential Schools, the last of which closed in Regina in 1996. Traditionally, the social, cultural and spiritual life in an Aboriginal community centered around the Big House, where child care, cooking, and other community cultural events took place. This was lost to the children of the Residential Schools.
Siem Lelum is built around the traditional model, providing a safe place and supportive environment encompassing all generations, and honoring Elders and traditions. The Cultural Centre has computers, sewing machines, a kitchen, and a number of bicycles which can be borrowed. There is no parking on the property. They have been working with Camosun building trades to build the village. They are currently fund raising to build a community kinetic playground.